Codesign a context-specific MC 4.0

The DEA Centers provide a service to assess whether the adoption of MC 4.0 makes sense in a specific SME context. In case of a positive answer, DEA Centers can support companies to design a path of initiatives to improve MC 4.0 capabilities. To perform these services MC 4.0 DEA Centers employ specific procedures and tools has been scientifically and empirically validated. The effectiveness of these tools has been demonstrated in more than 30 companies located in Italy and in Austria. The improvement paths are co-developed with SMEs personnel taking into account their perception of problems, the current status of their company, and a number of contingency factors. These paths are context & situation specific.

MC 4.0 levers are considered in order to assess both the mass customization capability of an SME as well as possible improvement initiatives. The objective is to increase SMEs ability to meet the specific needs of individual customers at affordable costs (MC – Mass Customization) through digitized personalization processes (4.0), increasing responsiveness and ensuring product quality.