Two professional profiles for MC 4.0

The Configuration Manager and the User Interface Expert for Configurators are two key professional roles to implement MC 4.0 initiatives successfully in SMEs.

Here two professional profiles for MC 4.0 are described. The Configuration Manager is a managerial figure with a complete and cross-functional vision of what is needed to design, implement, manage and maintain the configuration of customized products and services with the help of MC 4.0 technologies. The User Interface Expert for Configurators is a technical figure with individual competencies in the design and management of user interfaces of product configurators, which are crucial MC 4.0 tools.

Configuration Manager

The Configuration Manager is responsible for the configuration process of the products and services offered to customers and for the configuration system made up of the technical and human resources involved in this process. In particular, the Configuration Manager contributes to define and develop the company offer customization strategy; analyzes, designs and improves the configuration process and system; evaluates the digitalization opportunities of the configuration process (for example using product configurators); manages the implementation, maintenance and update of a partially or totally digitalized product configuration system; contributes to the training and development of those who work in this system.

The Configuration Manager is a cross-functional figure with an excellent technical-commercial vision, as well as adequate IT, soft and organizational skills. 

User Interface Expert for Configurators

The role of User Interface Expert for Configurators is in charge of designing and managing user interfaces of product configuration systems. This role performs layout, graphics, and dialogues design activities as well as adaptation activities in product configuration systems. In addition, this role assesses user interaction and experience and makes improvement proposals of the interfaces. In doing so, the User Interface Expert for Configurators analyses all the valuable aspects of human-computer interaction, as well as the user's perceptions of system aspects such as utility, usability, efficiency, and user experience dynamics.

The User Interface Expert for Configurators has adequate soft skills to be able to interact, understand and satisfy different users. Besides IT technical knowledge and skills, this role has knowledge on human-related aspects that can influence the configuration system effectiveness.